Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness at MSWD

Mission Springs Water District is dedicated to providing a safe reliable water supply to its customers and to collecting and maintaining its wastewater collection system and treatment facilities.

MSWD, like any other municipality, is potentially subject to a disaster event, whether man-made or natural. Water and wastewater utilities could potentially suffer from problems during an emergency, such as equipment failure, leaking pipelines, fluctuations in water pressure, concerns about water quality and quantity, ability to deliver, and interruptions in wastewater collection,  treatment, and disposal.

The District has prepared a disaster management plan, distributed to all employees, which is periodically updated and takes into consideration county, state, and federal disaster programs.

If an emergency or disaster event occurs (even a minor one), MSWD acts as an Incident Command Post (ICP), and staff is directed to report there to assess damage and determine a strategy for initiating repairs. Additionally, MSWD’s ICP coordinates with local city, police, fire, public health, and emergency personnel in order to provide the most service where it’s most needed.

District employees know that every customer will be depending on them to restore water and sewer service as quickly and safely as possible, and to provide any needed warnings, such as a boil water alert, to the public quickly and thoroughly.

Being prepared is our best defense against a potential disaster event, and MSWD takes preparedness seriously. MSWD urges every individual to take preparedness seriously too, and to create a home disaster plan – it’s never too early to be prepared!

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan 

The purpose of a Hazard Mitigation plan is to reduce or eliminate the losses of life and property by identifying, anticipating, and remediating specific vulnerabilities within our community.  While we cannot prevent disasters from happening, their effects can be reduced or eliminated through well-organized public education and awareness efforts, preparedness, and mitigation.   

In accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, MSWD along with California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) worked on developing a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) for the District and in March of 2022, the Board of Directors adopted the LHMP which  details the risks of natural hazards in our service area and includes programs and projects that can help reduce the exposure of District residents and businesses should an event occur. Adoption of this plan allows MSWD to be eligible for reimbursements for cost associated with natural disasters and/or FEMA mitigation funding for certain projects.


Emergency Preparedness at Home

Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least seventy-two (72) hours after a disaster event. It may be as long as two (2) weeks before substantial help will arrive. You may need to be prepared to camp out.

Put together your own emergency preparedness kit. Include the following items in your kit: food, water, paper plates, plastic utensils, plastic bags, a first aid kit, necessary prescription medications, an extra pair of eyeglasses, and any other essential items you think you may need. Sleeping bags, tents, and any other outdoor camping equipment may be useful as well. Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day for 3 days for drinking and sanitation. Try to store a 2-week supply if possible. Consider storing more water than this for hot climates, pregnant women, pets, and persons who are sick. Routinely rotate water and food supplies to ensure freshness. Also include gloves, heavy-duty footwear, extra clothing, jackets, a flashlight and batteries, and a tool kit for utility shut-off or rescue/cleanup efforts. Prepare your survival kit to meet your own expected needs. A battery-operated radio would be a good addition to your survival kit also.

Create your own family disaster plan. Include evacuation routes, meeting places, and an out-of-town contact person to leave messages with if your family becomes separated.

For more information on how you can be prepared for an emergency event, and to download free planning sheets and guides, visit these excellent emergency preparedness sites: