Mission, Vision & Values

MSWD Mission

Our Mission at MSWD encapsulates the core function and intrinsic value that defines our existence. It is a simple yet robust statement, articulating our fundamental purpose and the reasons that drive our daily endeavors. 

We provide, protect, and preserve our most precious resource . . . Water!

MSWD Vision

Our Vision at MSWD serves as a compass, charting our course toward a future state that reflects our aspirations and commitment to excellence. It encapsulates not just what we aim to become but envisions the success we strive for and the positive transformations
we aim to bring to all those we serve.

·Trust: Our vision at Mission Springs Water District is to build a trusting community through open communication, accountability, collaboration, and mutual respect among the Board of Directors, staff, and our customers.

·Employees: Our vision for Mission Springs Water District employees is to cultivate a workplace where each person is empowered as a steward of our community's water, fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and service in alignment with our shared mission.

·Customers: Our vision for Mission Springs Water District is to deliver reliable, sustainable, and community-focused service to our customers, ensuring you can trust us to meet your water needs while contributing to a healthier, vibrant community. 

·Environment: Our vision for the natural environment in Mission Springs Water District is harmonious coexistence through responsible management, aiming to be a model for environmental stewardship and sustainable practices, ensuring the health and vitality of our local ecosystems. 

·Public Health: Our vision for Mission Springs Water District is to serve as a cornerstone of community well-being by providing reliable and safe water services that protect and support a healthy and thriving community.

MSWD Values

Our Values at MSWD stand as the bedrock of our organization, shaping how we work and defining who we are. These guiding principles not only clarify our identity but also serve as a compass for our purpose, culture, and decision-making processes. 

·Accountability: We are accountable for our actions, committed to transparency, integrity, and rectifying mistakes, ensuring the District's operations are conducted with honesty and responsibility. 

·Leadership: Leadership is a core value for us, representing a commitment to setting a positive example, inspiring others, and fostering innovation to address water management challenges and drive progress in our community. 

·Professionalism: We maintain the highest standards of competence, ethics, and integrity in our actions, delivering water services with accountability and respect for the community, ensuring professionalism and expertise in every operation. 

·Service: We ensure access to clean, reliable water and cultivate a positive, supportive, and respectful environment for our staff, recognizing that community well-being and employee satisfaction are integral to achieving our mission.