FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know when my meter is going to be changed? Do I have to be present for the installation?

You will receive notification from Ferguson/MSWD one to three weeks prior to your area’s scheduled change out, and a door hanger 48 hours prior to the day of your meter change out. You do not need to be home for the installation. Before leaving, ensure all water is turned off including irrigation, if possible.

How do I know when my meter is going to be changed? Do I have to be present for the installation?

You will receive notification from Ferguson/MSWD one to three weeks prior to your area’s scheduled change out, and a door hanger 48 hours prior to the day of your meter change out. You do not need to be home for the installation. Before leaving, ensure all water is turned off including irrigation, if possible.

How does the AMI read register device work?

The new AMI register will connect to your water meter, and transmit the data hourly to the district through collectors that are placed throughout MSWD District properties. Data is transmitted to the billing system instead of a mobile vehicle.

How does the AMI read register device work?

The new AMI register will connect to your water meter, and transmit the data hourly to the district through collectors that are placed throughout MSWD District properties. Data is transmitted to the billing system instead of a mobile vehicle.

How long will the project take to complete?

The project is expected to begin early November 2019 and is projected to take 6-8 months to complete all meter changes in the District, and fully deploy the AMI system.

What is the benefit of Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) technology to me/the customer?

Water Meter- This meter change-out is part of a normal change-out process, as meters have a lifespan of 15-20 years. As meters age, they lose accuracy. Some of MSWD’s meters (not the register that transmits data) are about 15-18 years old.
Reading Technology- The new water metering reading system provides a greater opportunity for enhanced customer service by providing more data use to customers and MSWD staff that could indicate high water consumption from a continuous or intermittent leak. The new technology will also reduce the staff or vendor time to collect readings on a monthly basis.

Who will install the new meter and AMI register?

Ferguson will install the new Neptune water meter, and AMI technology; the firm was selected through a competitive bid process. All Ferguson installation technicians have completed training and background checks, will have photo identification, wear identifiable uniforms, and drive marked vehicles with the Ferguson logo.

Why is my meter and reading technology being replaced?

Water Meter- This meter change out is part of a normal change out process, as meters have a lifespan of 15-20 years. As meters age, they lose accuracy. Some of MSWD’s meters (not the register that transmits data) are about 15-18 years old.
Reading Technology- The new water metering reading system provides a greater opportunity for enhanced customer service by providing more data use to customers and MSWD staff that could indicate high water consumption from a continuous or intermittent leak. The new technology will also reduce the staff or vendor time to collect readings on a monthly basis.

Will my bill go up?

Aging meters lose accuracy over time, meaning they do not capture minimal flow that a new meter would. As a new water meter will have higher accuracy, your bill may increase slightly. Once the AMI/Customer Dashboard is launched, you will have the ability to monitor your daily usage.

Will my service be interrupted during the change out?

Yes, for about 20-30 minutes as Ferguson will need to shut off the water to replace the water meter. After the new meter is installed, the technician will turn the water back on. Please alert the District if this poses a health hazard so we can schedule a time that will work for you.